Have you been diagnosed as having arthritis or specifically rheumatoid arthritis. Are you tired in being in pain all the time? Is your life severely limited because you cannot get around – because it hurts to much to move?

Often homeopathy can help in these situations. The right homeopathic remedy will produce marked improvement in many people diagnosed as having arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Here are a couple of examples of people that we have helped.

Susan came in at age 45 diagnosed as having severe rheumatoid arthritis. It was present low level and then there were flare-ups. During flare-ups she could barely walk or pick anything up. The pain was so bad she felt severely depressed and wondered if life was worth living. She tended to be a workaholic but the pain made it so unpleasant to work- it is so hard to act nice to people when I feel so bad inside. The pain was so intense that she felt like her joints will explode. She felt like she was on fire inside- burning pain and hot.

She also has had chronic yeast infections, bad headaches all her life and severe sleeplessness. She had severe dizziness. She felt very ungrounded.

Based upon this and many other symptoms we gave him a dose of Causticum. (note this was the right remedy for her but the possibility of it being the right remedy for another person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is very low).

With a number of doses of Causticum we saw substantial improvement over time, By 6 months she reported that she was doing well with much less pain. And accordingly her mood was much better also. By one year her pain was very little and she felt grounded for the first time in her life. She was not overworking as much. This whole process involves some up and down periods but clearly month by month she got better.

After about 2 years we saw a change of pattern and gave Ozone (note this was the right remedy for her but the possibility of it being the right remedy for another person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is very low) which dealt with many of the underlying issues. Now after 4 years she is basically cured of most of her presenting problems including the rheumatoid arthritis.

Here is another case of a person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Here instead of summarizing the case we will show you what the patient’s mother wrote about it.


Our entire family has benefited greatly as a result of Steve Waldstein’s excellent homeopathic treatment: 4 years ago, my (then) 16 year old daughter was diagnosed with a “very aggressive case of rheumatoid arthritis.” I knew immunosuppressants etc. weren’t the answer. We tried many alternative type therapies and other homeopaths with poor to moderate results. Then we found Steve Waldstein! My daughter is now pain-free, has gained weight, has a sunnier, more comfortable, more confident, positive outlook on life, and even her blood tests are much, much better! She continues to improve month by month!- Trish Schwenkler

(if you look at the patients testimonial section you can read what this mother said about the treatment of the rest of the family)

In this example you see the difference between homeopathy and other approaches for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. After the right remedy we expect to see everything getting better in the person's life.

To understand how homeopathy helps in cases like this please click below, to read more about homeopathy. To find a homeopath to help you, choose the referral list link below. If no experienced classical homeopath is in your area you can either travel to see us in Florida - or we can do a phone consult.

For More Information or to make an appointment contact:

Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA) CCH PCH
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
1245 NW 22nd Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33445
Telephone: 561-562-8965
E-mail: steve@homeopathy-cures.com